Last Updated December 1, 2019
Hand KP, Berisford D, Daimaru T, Foster JT, Hofmann AE, Furst B. (2019) "Penitente formation is unlikely on Europa" Nature Geoscience .
Nordheim TA, Jasinski JM, Hand KP. (2019) "Galactic Cosmic-Ray Bombardment of Europa's Surface" The Astrophysical Journal Letters .
Trumbo SK , Brown ME , & Hand KP. (2019) "Sodium chloride on the surface of Europa." Science Advances
Lewis MW , Stamenković V, Hand KP , & Fischer WW. (2019) "Follow the Oxygen: Comparative Histories of Planetary Oxygenation and Opportunities for Aerobic Life." Astrobiology 1531-1074.
Young CL, Poston MJ, Wray JJ, Hand KP, Carlson RW. (2019) "The mid-IR spectral effects of darkening agents and porosity on the silicate surface features of airless bodies" Icarus .
Santibáñez PA , Michaud AB , Vick-Majors TJ , D'Andrilli Juliana, Chiuchiolo Amy, Hand KP , & Priscu JC. (2019) "Differential Incorporation of Bacteria, Organic Matter, and Inorganic Ions Into Lake Ice During Ice Formation." Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 2169-8953.
Sparks WB, Richter M, deWitt C, Montiel E, Dello Russo N, Grunsfeld JM, McGrath MA, Weaver H, Hand KP. (2019) "A Search for Water Vapor Plumes on Europa using SOFIA" The Astrophysical Journal Letters .
Nordheim TA , Hand KP , & Paranicas C. (2018) "Preservation of potential biosignatures in the shallow subsurface of Europa." Nature Astronomy 2 673–679.
Poston MJ , Mahjoub A, Ehlmann BL, Blacksberg J, Brown ME, Carlson RW , Eiler JM, Hand KP , Hodyss R, & Wong I. (2018) "Visible near-infrared spectral evolution of irradiated mixed ices and application to Kuiper Belt Objects and Jupiter Trojans." The Astrophysical Journal 856:124.
Hand KP . (2018) "Halogens on and within Ocean Worlds of the Outer Solar System." In The Role of Halogens in Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Geochemical Processes: Surface, Crust, and Mantle, edited by D.E. Harlov & L. Aranovich. New York: Springer-Verlag, p. 997–1016.
Hand KP & German CR. (2018) "Exploring ocean worlds on Earth and beyond." Nature Geoscience 11: 2–4.
Mahjoub A, Poston MJ, Hand KP, Brown M, Hodyss R, Blacksberg J, Eiler J, Carlson R, Ehlmann BL, & Choukroun M. (2017) “Production of Sulfur Allotropes in Electron-Irradiated Jupiter Trojan Ice Analogs.” The Astrophysical Journal 846: 148.
Nordheim TA , Hand KP , Paranicas C, Howett CJA, Hendrix AR, Jones GH, & Coates AJ. (2017) "The near-surface electron radiation environment of Saturn's moon Mimas." Icarus 286: 56–68.
Poston MJ , Carlson RW , & Hand KP . (2017) "Spectral behavior of irradiated sodium chloride crystals under Europa-like conditions." Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 122: 2644–2654.
Russell MJ, Murray AE, & Hand KP . (2017) "The possible emergence of life and differentiation of a shallow biosphere on irradiated icy worlds: The example of Europa." Astrobiology 17(12): 1265–1273.
Sparks WB, Schmidt BE, McGrath MA, Hand KP , Spencer JR, Cracraft M, & Deustua SE. (2017) "Active cryovolcanism on Europa?" The Astrophysical Journal Letters 839(2): L18.
Trumbo SK, Brown ME, Fischer PD, & Hand KP . (2017) "A new spectral feature on the trailing hemisphere of Europa at 3.78 um." The Astronomical Journal 153: 250.
Chyba CF & Hand KP . (2016) "Electric power generation from Earth's rotation through its own magnetic field." Physical Review Applied 6(1): 014017.
Fischer PD, Brown ME, Trumbo SK, & Hand KP . (2016) "Spatially resolved spectroscopy of Europa's large-scale compositional units at 3-4 um with Keck NIRSPEC." The Astronomical Journal 153: 1.
Mahjoub A, Poston MJ, Hand KP , Brown ME, Hodyss R, Blackberg J, Eiler JM, Carlson RW, Ehlmann BL, & Choukroun M. (2016) "Electron irradiation and thermal processing of mixed-ices of potential relevance to Jupiter Trojan asteroids." The Astrophysical Journal 820: 2.
Sparks WB, Hand KP , McGrath MA, Bergeron E, Cracraft M, & Deustua SE. (2016) "Probing for evidence of plumes on Europa with HST/STIS." The Astrophysical Journal 829: 2.
Vance SD, Hand KP , & Pappalardo RT (2016) "Geophysical controls of chemical disequilibria in Europa." Geophysical Research Letters 43: 4871–4879.
Carlson RW& Hand KP . (2015) "Radiation noise effects at Jupiter's moon Europa: In-situ and laboratory measurements and radiation transport calculations." IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 62(5): 2273–2282.
Chyba CF, Hand KP , & Thomas PC. (2015) "Energy conservation and Poynting's theorem in the homopolar generator." American Journal of Physics 83(1).
Fischer PD, Brown ME, & Hand KP (2015) "Spatially resolved spectroscopy of Europa: The distinct spectrum of large-scale chaos." The Astronomical Journal 150: 164.
Hand KP & Carlson RW (2015) "Europa's surface color suggests an ocean rich with sodium chloride." Geophysical Research Letters 42(9): 3174–3178.
Matheus Carnevali PB, Rohrssen M, Williams MR, Michaud AB, Adams H, Berisford D , Love GD, Priscu JC, Rassuchine O, Hand KP , & Murray AE. (2015) "Methane sources in arctic thermokarst lake sediments on the North Slope of Alaska." Geobiology 13: 181–197.
Young CL, Wray JJ, Clark RN, Spencer JR, Jennings DE, Hand KP , Poston MJ , & Carlson RW . (2015) "Silicates on Iapetus from Cassini's Composite Infrared Spectrometer." The Astrophysical Journal Letters 811: L27.
Paranicus C, Roussos E, Decker RB, Johnson RE, Hendrix AR, Schenk P, Cassidy TA, Dalton III JB, Howett CJA, Kollmann P, Patterson W, Hand KP , Nordheim TA , Krupp N, Mitchell DG. (2014) "The lens feature on the inner saturnian satellites." Icarus 234: 155–161.
Brown ME & Hand KP (2013) "Salts and radiation products on the surface of Europa." The Astronomical Journal 145: 4.
Hand KP & Brown ME (2013) "Keck II observations of hemispherical differences in H2O2 on Europa." The Astrophysical Journal Letters 766:2, L21.
Pappalardo RT, Vance S, Begenal F, Bills BG, Blaney DL, Blankenship DD, Brinckerhoff WB, Connerney JEP, Hand KP , Hoehler TM, Leisner JS, Kurth WS, McGrath MA, Mellon MT, Moore JM, Patterson GW, Prockter LM, Senske DA, Schmidt BE, Shock EL, Smith DE, & Soderlund KM. (2013) "Science potential from a Europa Lander." Astrobiology 13(8): 740–773.
Boxe CS, Hand KP , Nealson KH, Yung YL, & Saiz-Lopez A. (2012) "An active nitrogen cycle on Mars sufficient to support a subsurface biosphere." International Journal of Astrobiology 11(2): 109–115.
Boxe CS, Hand KP , Nealson KH, Yung YL, Yen AS, & Saiz-Lopez A. (2012) "Adsorbed water and thin liquid films on Mars." International Journal of Astrobiology 11(3): 169–175.
Hand KP & Carlson RW (2012) "Laboratory spectroscopic analyses of electron irradiated alkanes and alkenes in solar system ices." Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 117: E03008.
Wilson JP, Grotzinger JP, Fischer WW, Hand KP , Jensen S, Knoll AS, Abelson J, Metz JM, McLoughlin N, Cohen PA, & Tice MM. (2012) "Deep-water incised valley deposits at the Ediacaran-Cambrian boundary in Southern Namibia contain abundant Treptichnus pedum." Palaios 27(4): 252–273.
Lazcano A & Hand KP . (2012) "Astrobiology: Frontier or Fiction" Nature 488: 160–161.
Priscu JC & Hand KP . (2012) "Microbial habitability on icy worlds." Microbe 7(4): 167–172.
Clark K, Boldt J, Greeley R, Hand K , Jun I, Lock R, Pappalardo R, Van Houten T, & Yan T. (2011) "Return to Europa: Overview of the Jupiter Europa orbiter mission." Advances in Space Research 48(4): 629–650.
Hand KP & Carlson RW (2011) "H2O2 production by high-energy electrons on icy satellites as a function of surface temperature and electron flux." Icarus 215(1): 226–233.
Hand KP , Khurana KK, & Chyba CF. (2011) "Joule heating of the south polar terrain on Enceladus." Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 116: E04010.
Korablev O, Gerasimov M, Dalton JB, Hand K , Lebreton J-P, & Webster C. (2011) "Methods and measurements to assess physical and geochemical conditions at the surface of Europa." Advances in Space Research 48(4): 702–717.
2010 and Earlier
Hand KP , McKay CP, & Pilcher CB. (2010) "Spectroscopic and spectrometric differentiation between abiotic and biogenic material on icy worlds." Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 6(S269): 165–176.
Lorenz RD, Gleeson D, Prieto-Ballesteros O, Gomez F, Hand K , & Bulat S. (2010) "Analog environments for a Europa lander mission." Advances in Space Research 48(4): 689–696.
Sparks WB, McGrath M, Hand KP , Ford HC, Geissler P, Hough JH, Turner EL, Chyba CF, Carlson R , & Turnbull M. (2010) "Hubble Space Telescope observations of Europa in and out of eclipse." International Journal of Astrobiology 9(4): 265–271.
Cassidy T, Coll P, Raulin F, Carlson RW , Johnson RE, Loeffler MJ, Hand KP , & Baragiola RA. (2010) "Radiolysis and Photolysis." In Satellites of the Outer Solar System: Exchange Processes Involving the Interiors, edited by O. Grasset, M. Blanc, A. Coustenis, W. Durham, H. Hussmann, R. Pappalardo, & D. Turrini. New York: Springer-Verlag, p. 297–313.
Raulin F, Hand KP , McKay C, Fortes D, & Viso M. (2010) "Exobiology, Habitability, and Planetary Protection." In Satellites of the Outer Solar System: Exchange Processes Involving the Interiors, edited by O. Grasset, M. Blanc, A. Coustenis, W. Durham, H. Hussmann, R. Pappalardo, & D. Turrini. New York: Springer-Verlag, p. 509–533.
Hand KP . (2010) "The ocean of Europa and implications for habitability and the origin of life." Astrobiology: From Simple Molecules to Primitive Life, edited byV.A. Basiuk & R. Navarro-Gonzalez.
Cohen PA, Bradley A, Knoll AH, Grotzinger JP, Jensen S, Abelson J, Hand K , Love G, Metz J, McLoughlin N, Meister P, Shepherd R, Tice M, & Wilson JP. (2009) "Tubular compression fossils from the Ediacaran Nama Group, Namibia." Journal of Paleontology 83(1): 110–122.
Hand KP , Chyba CF, Priscu JC, Carlson RW , & Nealson KH. (2009) "Astrobiology and the potential for life on Europa." In Europa, edited by R.T. Pappalardo, W.B. McKinnon, & K.K. Khurana. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press, p. 529–544.
Khurana KK, Kivelson MG, Hand KP , & Russell CT. (2009) Electromagnetic induction from Europa's ocean and the deep interior." In Europa, edited by R.T. Pappalardo, W.B. McKinnon, & K.K. Khurana. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press, p. 571–588.
Hand KP , Carlson RW , & Chyba CF. (2007) "Energy, chemical disequilibrium, and geological constraints on Europa." Astrobiology. 7(6): 1006–1022.
Hand KP & Chyba CF. (2007) "Empirical constraints on the salinity of the europan ocean and implications for a thin ice shell." Icarus 189: 424–438.
Hand KP , Carlson RW , Cooper J, & Chyba CF. (2006) "Clathrate hydrates of oxidants in the ice shell of Europa." Astrobiology 6(3): 463–482.
Chyba CF & Hand KP . (2005) "Astrobiology: The study of the living universe." Annual Reviews of Astronomy and Astrophysics 43: 31–74.
McKay CP, Hand KP , Doran PT, Andersen DT, & Priscu JC. (2003) "Clathrate formation and the fate of noble and biologically useful gases in Lake Vostok, Antarctica." Geophysical Research Letters 30(13): 1702.
Chyba CF & Hand KP . (2001) "Life without Photosynthesis." Science 292: 2026–2027.
Hand KP , Murray AE, Garvin J, Hörst S, Brinkerhoff W, Edgett K, Hoehler T, Russell M, Rhoden A, Yingst RA, German C, Schmidt B, Paranicus C, Smith D, Willis P, Hayes A, Ehlmann B, Lunine J, Templeton A, Nealson K, Christner B, Cable M, Craft K, Pappalardo R, Hofmann A , Nordheim T , & Phillips C. (2018) "The Europa Lander mission concept and science goals of the 2016 Europa Lander Science Definition Team report." 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. The Woodlands, TX. Abstract #2600.
Hand KP , Turtle EP, Barnes JW, Lorenz RD, MacKenzie SM, Cable ML, Neish CD, Trainer MG, Stefan ER, Freissinet C, Hörst SM, McKay CP, Lora JM, Radebaugh J, & Hayes AG. (2018) "Dragonfly and the exploration of Titan's astrobiological potential." 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. The Woodlands, TX. Abstract #2083.
Nordheim TA , Paranicas C, & Hand KP . (2018) "The near-surface radiation environment of Europa, biosignature destruction, and implications for in-situ sampling." 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. The Woodlands, TX. Abstract #2856.
Berisford DF , Carey EM, Hand KP , & Choukroun M. (2017) "Simulating extraterrestrial ices in the laboratory." American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. New Orleans, LA. Abstract #SM31C-05.
Berisford D , Furst B , Foster J , Poston M , Hofmann A , & Hand K . (2017) "Penitent ice on Europa? Laboratory testing of cryogenic ices related to icy moon surfaces." 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. The Woodlands, TX. Abstract #2581.
Hand KP , Berisford DF , Foster J , Furst B , Poston M , Kosberg J , Hofmann A , & Lang M . (2017) "Surface morphologies and oddities for ices under temperature and pressure conditions extending from Earth to ocean worlds of the outer solar system: Do penitentes and suncups for on Europa and Enceladus?" American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. New Orleans, LA. Abstract #C23C-1230.
Hand KP & Carlson RW . (2017) "Radiation processing of organics and biological materials exposed to ocean world surface conditions." American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. New Orleans, LA. Abstract #P52B-02.
Hand KP , Murray A, Garvin J, & the Europa Lander Science Definition Team, Project Science Team, and Project Engineering Team. (2017) "Science goals, objectives, and investigations of the 2016 Europa Lander Science Definition Team report." 49th Annual Meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society. Provo, UT. Abstract #219.04.
Hand KP , Murray AE, Garvin J, Hörst S, Brinkerhoff W, Edgett K, Hoehler T, Russell M, Rhoden A, Yingst RA, German C, Schmidt B, Paranicus C, Smith D, Willis P, Hayes A, Ehlmann B, Lunine J, Templeton A, Nealson K, Christner B, Cable M, Craft K, Pappalardo R, Hofmann A , Nordheim T , & Phillips C. (2017) "The Europa Lander mission concept and science goals of the 2016 Europa Lander Science Definition Team report." 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. The Woodlands, TX. Abstract #2600.
Nordheim TA , Paranicas C, & Hand KP . (2017) "Europa's surface radiation environment and considerations for in-situ sampling and biosignature detection." American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. New Orleans, LA. Abstract #P52B-03.
Nordheim TA , Scipioni F, Cruikshank DP, Clark RN, & Hand KP . (2017) "Mapping of plume deposits and surface composition on Enceladus." Ices in the Solar System Workshop. Madrid, Spain, 23–26 January 2017: ESA/ESAC.
Peter J, Nordheim T, Hofmann A, & Hand KP. (2017) "Quantitative chemical analysis of Enceladus' plume composition." American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. New Orleans, LA. Abstract #P51F-09.
Phillips CB, Molaro J, & Hand KP . (2017) "Surface modification and surface–subsurface exchange processes on Europa." 49th Annual Meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society. Provo, UT. Abstract #203.01.
Wilner J , Hofmann AE , & Hand KP . (2017) "Sea ice as a sink for CO2 and biogeochemical material: A novel sampling method and astrobiological applications." American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. New Orleans, LA. Abstract #P43C-2897.
Young CL, Wray JJ, Poston M , Hand KP , & Carlson RW . (2017) "The mid-IR spectral effects of darkening agents and porosity on the silicate surface features of airless bodies." American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. New Orleans, LA. Abstract #P54B-07.
Berisford DF , Hand KP , Skiles SM, Duffy ER, Richardson ML, Bormann KJ, & Painter TH. (2016) "Europa landing site analog: LiDAR surveys of Devil's Golf Course as a pathological case for the surface morphology of Europa." 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. The Woodlands, TX. Abstract #1903.
Berisford DF , Foster J , Poston MJ & Hand KP . (2016) "Cryogenic ices under vacuum: Preliminary tests related to sampling material on Europa's surface." 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. The Woodlands, TX. Abstract #2998.
Blackberg J, Mahjoub A, Poston M , Brown ME, Eiler J, Ehlmann B, Hodyss R, Hand KP , Carlson RW , & Wong I. (2016) "Can sulfur explain the bimodal color distribution observed in the Jupiter Trojans?" 48th Annual Meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society. Pasadena, CA. Abstract #221.02.
Mahjoub A, Poston M , Blacksberg J, Brown ME, Hand KP , Eiler J, Ehlmann B, Hodyss R, Carlson RW, Choukroun M, & Wong I. (2016) "Detection of sulfur reddening agents in irradiated Jupiter Trojan ice analogs." 48th Annual Meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society. Pasadena, CA. Abstract #221.05.
Nordheim T , Hand KP , Paranicas C, Howett C, & Hendrix AR. (2016) "Energetic charged particle interactions at icy satellites." American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA. Abstract #SM34A-08.
Poston M , Mahjoub A, Blacksberg J, Brown ME, Carlson RW , Ehlmann B, Eiler J, Hand KP , Hodyss R, & Wong I. (2016) "Composition of irradiation residue from Jupiter Trojan laboratory simulations." 48th Annual Meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society. Pasadena, CA. Abstract #221.06.
Young CL, Wray JJ, Hand KP , Poston M , Carlson RW , Clark RN, Spencer JR, & Jennings D. (2016) "Mid-infrared spectroscopy to better characterize icy moon surface compositions." 48th Annual Meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society. Pasadena, CA. Abstract #519.05.
Fischer PD, Brown ME, & Hand KP . (2015) "The distinct spectrum of large-scale chaos on Europa from 1-4 micron." 47th Annual Meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society. National Harbor, MD. Abstract #409.05.
Hand KP & Carlson RW . (2015) "Sea salt irradiation experiments relevant to the surface conditions of ocean worlds such as Europa and Enceladus." 47th Annual Meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society. National Harbor, MD. Abstract #405.06.
Nordheim T , Janes GH, Coates AJ, Wellbrock A, Hand KP , & Waite Jr. JH. (2015) "Detection of negative pick-up ions at Saturn's moon Dione." American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA. Abstract #P31B-2070.
Young CL, Wray JJ, Hand KP , Poston MJ , Carlson RW , Clark RN, Spencer JR, & Jennings DR. (2015) "Identifying new surface constituents of icy moons using mid-infrared spectroscopy." 47th Annual Meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society. National Harbor, MD. Abstract #508.08.
Young CL, Wray JJ, Hand KP , Poston M , Carlson RW , Clark RN, Spencer JR, & Jennings DE. (2015) "Discovering new compounds on icy moon surfaces with mid-infrared spectroscopy. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA. Abstract #P43A-2094.
Fischer PD, Brown ME, & Hand KP . (2014) "New observations of Europa's surface composition: Discovery of an anti-jovian salty region." 46th Annual Meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society. Tucson, AZ. Abstract #405.05.
Keymeulen D, Yiu P, Berisford DF , Hand KP , Carlson RW , & Conroy M. (2014) "Adaptive controller for compact Fourier transform spectrometer with space applications." American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA. Abstract #P11A-3742.
Priscu JC, Adams HE, Hand KP , Dore JE, Matheus-Carnevali P, Michaud AB, Murray AE, Skidmore ML, & Vick-Majors T. (2014) "Sources and sinks of methane beneath polar ice." American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA. Abstract #B23G-08.
Wray JJ, Young CL, Hand KP , Poston MJ , Carlson RW , Clark RN, Spencer JR, & Jennings DE. (2014) "Laboratory infrared spectroscopy to identify new compounds on icy moon surfaces." 46th Annual Meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society. Tucson, AZ. Abstract #418.16.
Young CL, Wray JJ, Clark RN, Hand KP , & Spencer JR. (2014) "Icy satellite surface compositions from thermal infrared spectroscopy." Workshop on the Habitability of Icy Worlds. Pasadena, CA, 5-7 February 2014; LPI Contribution #1774.
Berisford DF , Leichty J, Klesh A, & Hand KP . (2013) "Remote under-ice roving in Alaska with the Bouyant Rover for Under-Ice Exploration." American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA. Abstract #C13C-0684.
Brown ME & Hand KP . (2013) "Europa from SOFIA: First 5-8 um spectra." American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA. Abstract #P54A-08.
Carlson RW , Hand KP , Berisford DE , & Keymeulen D. (2013) "The Compositional InfraRed Interferometric Spectrometer (CIRIS) for assessing the habitability of Europa." American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA. Abstract #P43A-2008.
Hand KP (2013) "Windows into deep subsurface chemistry near and far." American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA. Abstract #B22F-01.
Hand KP , Brown ME, & Carlson RW . (2013) "A radiolytic salt cycle on Europa?" American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA. Abstract #P34B-08.
Tămaș-Selicean D, Keymeulen D, Berisford D , Carlson R , Hand K , Pop P, Wadsworth W, & Levy R. (2013) "Fourier transform spectrometer controller for partitioned architectures." 2013 IEEEAerospace Conference. Big Sky, MT, 2–9 March 2013.
Yiu P, Keymeulen D, Berisford DF , Hand KP , & Carlson RW . (2013) "Intelligent controller for a compact wide-band compositional infrared Fourier transform spectrometer." American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA. Abstract #P53A-1840.
Young CL, Wray JJ, Spencer JR, Clark RN, & Hand KP (2013) "Cassini CIRS characterization of icy moon surface composition." 45th Annual Meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society. Denver, CO. Abstract #417.03.
Berisford DF , Hand KP , Younse PJ, Keymeulen D, & Carlson R . (2012) "Thermal testing of the Compositional InfraRed Imaging Spectrometer (CIRIS)." 42nd International Conference on Environmental Systems. San Diego, CA: 15–19 July 2012.
Berisford DF , Leichty JM, Klesh AT, Matthews JB, & Hand KP . (2012) "Bouyant Rover for Under-Ice Exploration." American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA. Abstract #C13E-0655.
Hand KP , Bartlett DH, & Fryer P. (2012) "Analyses of outcrop and sediment grains observed and collected from the Sirena Deep and Middle Pond of the Mariana Trench." American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA. Abstract #OS23B-04.
Hand KP , Wray J, Calvin W, & Carlson RW (2012) "Active and Passive mid-infrared spectroscopy on Mars for in situ analyses and connection to remote sensing observation." Concepts and Approaches for Mars Exploration. Houston, TX, 12–14 June 2012. LPI Contribution #1679.
Nordheim T , Hand KP , Paranicas C, Kollmann P, Jones GH, Coates AJ, & Krupp N. (2012) "Surface radiation environment of Saturn's icy moon Mimas." European Planetary Science Congress. Madrid, Spain, 23–28 September 2012. id.EPSC2012-702.
Adams HE, Hand KP , & Priscu JC. (2011) "Bacterial activity in methane-rich, icy habitats." American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA. Abstract #C53G-08.
Berisford DF , Hand KP , Carlson RW , Keymeulen D, Hristov V, Wadsworth W, Dybwad JP, & Levy R. (2011) "Design and development of the Compositional InfraRed Imaging Spectrometer (CIRIS) for outer planet and primitive body missions." American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA. Abstract #P33A-1755.
Hand KP & Carlson RW (2011) "The nitrile deficit: What does Enceladus' lack of significant nitrile chemistry tell us about surface processes and subsurface chemistry?" American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA. Abstract #P13F-05.
Matheus Carnevali PB, Rohrssen M, Dodsworth JA, Kuhn E, Williams M, Adams HE, Berisford DF , Hand KP , Priscu JC, Walter Anthony K, Love GD, Hedlund BP, & Murray AE. (2011) "Archaea in Arctic thermokarst lake sediments." American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA. Abstract #B43C-0312.
2010 and Earlier
Hand KP & Painter TH. (2010) "Analogs from LEO: Mapping Earth observations to planetary science & astrobiology." American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San abstract # P11D-01.
Hand KP , Carlson RW , Sun H, Anderson M, Wadsworth W, & Levy R. (2005) "Utilizing active mid-infrared microspectrometry for in situ analysis of cryptoendolithic microbial communities of Battleship Promontory, Dry Valleys, Antarctica." Proceedings of SPIE 5906, Astrobiology and Planetary Missions, 590610.